Tuesday, March 29, 2016


This is a funny topic to me, since I am not so creative. No matter what I can do, the new media that is available today for millions of people is most useful and efficient tool to brainstorm, come up with ideas, put them to a test and create all sorts of things. Creativity and imagination made the possibility of a technology without which we can't even spend a day. The technology in it's turn gave possibility to create even more ideas and new ways of doing things. Just like Tweeter and many other companies use their users and followers to come with new ideas and improvements, the new media allows to use collective minds of millions of people where one can't even comprehend. Anyone who has an idea or a question can put it out there ask people all around the world and get answers within minutes. Technology increases the creativity of a collected minds exceptionally. This allows us to come up with new ideas and improve the old ones faster then it was ever done before. The year or two year old technology is already too old. It was improved multiples times since it was first introduced. I think the world we live in now is on the verge of a huge leap into the future of our imagination. 

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