Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Next New Thing

There is probably everything that needs to be created is already created regarding social media services. But I was thinking about social media site/app for people that work in the restaurant industry. There servers, bartenders, cooks, chefs and etc can share they ideas, stories, recipes for foods and cocktails. It would great way to meet other people in the same industry. It should allow people check in at restaurants and bars they go.  It also should allow search of people that are hanging out at the bars around your area so you can meet up with them. I think this kind of social media app exclusively for restaurant people will be a good idea since work hours for these people, like myself, are different than of the most people. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I have not done any contributions to class Wiki yet. I want to use the research I have done for term paper. My research was about using New Media technology in Education, how and where it can help and where it should be controlled more strictly. I collected a lot of information from scholarly articles and research papers with actual experiments. 

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is practice of distrubuting electronic files (docs, music, videos and etc.) through Internet. It is used to share useful information for business or to share files for entertainment purposes. 
P2P file sharing is form of file sharing that involves users exchanging e-files directly through Web. P2P is a technique that enables many connected computers work as one sharing not only data but also hardware resources that can be accessed remotely.
Examples of this can be file sharing web site like RapidShare, Kazaa, The Pirate Bay, and software like BitTorrent. According to "The BitTorrent Effect" article from WIRED, BitTorrent allows sharing files that are stored on ones computer with everyone else, and what's special about this software is that by using P2P technique it allows to download files from different sources that are located in different place simultaneously increasing the speed of the download from hours to minutes. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

As Joe Nocera, in his article on New York Times ‘The Wild West of Privacy,’ points out care for personal privacy is pretty much out the window. Companies collect a lot of information and data about our lives and habits. They make millions of dollars selling that data to anyone who is wants to buy. Facebook is probably is experience on this. The app on our phones can track your locations and frequently visited geographic places, on top of tracking our browsing habits, to give us relative advertisement. It's amazing how these site magically advertise a restaurant or a retail store you passed by recently or a product that you searched using internet. I guess for the most part, they are just trying to make money without actually hurting us, but these kinds of activities will backfire one day that no one will see its coming.

Advice to Baruch College

I guess I would not be the first choice to hire as a new media promoter since I am not so involved in posting and tweeting and so on. However, if I would make suggestions to Baruch College in using new media, I would say school needs to be more active and responsive to the students on social media sites and through other tools of new media. I follow few Baruch pages on Facebook, and for the most part I see frequent posts and announcements. But, I feel like there should be more useful and relevant information. I think announcements like school closed days, class cancellations, holidays and schedule changes needs to be distributed through social media sites, emails and etc. Distributing useful information as above doesn't cost anything on the digital world. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Creativity and New Media

My Second Life so to speak. This thing is weird. I don't really know what to feel about it. 


This is a funny topic to me, since I am not so creative. No matter what I can do, the new media that is available today for millions of people is most useful and efficient tool to brainstorm, come up with ideas, put them to a test and create all sorts of things. Creativity and imagination made the possibility of a technology without which we can't even spend a day. The technology in it's turn gave possibility to create even more ideas and new ways of doing things. Just like Tweeter and many other companies use their users and followers to come with new ideas and improvements, the new media allows to use collective minds of millions of people where one can't even comprehend. Anyone who has an idea or a question can put it out there ask people all around the world and get answers within minutes. Technology increases the creativity of a collected minds exceptionally. This allows us to come up with new ideas and improve the old ones faster then it was ever done before. The year or two year old technology is already too old. It was improved multiples times since it was first introduced. I think the world we live in now is on the verge of a huge leap into the future of our imagination.