Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Impacts of New Media on Education

With development and advancement of New Media technologies, our everyday life has changed as we know it. I want to research and discuss the impacts of New Media on Education and Learning. Traditional ways of education has changed with huge amount of online resources. Everyone who has an access to internet can learn and benefit from many information sources like blogs, social media, video blogs, ebooks and etc. While these resources are very useful it can have few negative effects as well. Because information is so readily available for students, they loose necessity to learn and retain information and knowledge. We became multitaskers that try to learn new things and do homework for a given subject and check out phones, social media website and etc. getting detracted and harming out learning process. I will analyze and research about this topic since it had a great impact on my learning skill, good and bad. My personal project will have my personal observation and experiences, as well as overall trend in this matter. 

Who I am.

My name is Vepa Seyidov. I am a student at Baruch College. I am majoring in Accounting and planning to graduate next year. I also bartend full time at a Spanish tapas restaurant.
This is my first blog ever created in the mainstream blogging website. Excited to see where this is going to take me.